
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

என் தந்தை ஒரு ஹீரோ! - தாரிக் அன்வர்

 சாமன்யர்களின் ஒருவராய் தன் வாழ்வைத் துவங்கி தன் முயற்சியாலும், பிறருக்கு உதவும் நற்குணத்தாலும் இன்று ஏர் இந்தியாவில் ஒரு மேனேஜராக வளர்ந்து நிற்க்கும் நூர்முஹம்மது என் நெருங்கிய நண்பர். அவரது 50ஆவது
இடது கோடியில் இருப்பது நூர் முஹம்மது
பிறந்த நாளின் போது அவரது மகன் தாரிக் எழுதிய கடிதம் என் கண்களில் ஆனந்த கண்ணீரை வரவழைத்தது. தாரிக்கின் வார்த்தைகள் கொஞ்சம் கூட மிகைப்படுத்தப்படவில்லை. எல்லோருக்கும் உதவும் அவர் இனிய குணத்தை நானே என் குடும்பத்தினருடன் பல முறை பகிர்ந்ததுண்டு. அந்த நற்குணம் தான் அவருக்கு இறையருளை பெற்றுத் தந்தது. இறைவன் அவருக்கு வழங்கிய முதல் அருட் கொடை
அவரது குணத்திற்க்கு தோதாக அமைந்தஅவரது அன்பு மனைவி நூர்ஜஹான்.

 இறைவன் என் அன்பு நூருக்கும் அவரது இனிய குடும்பத்தினருக்கும் ஆரோக்கியத்துடன் கூடிய நீண்ட ஆயுளும், இறை நம்பிக்கையுடன் கூடிய இனிய நல்வாழ்வையும் மென்மேலும் தருவானாக! ஆமீன்!  அவரது அர்த்தமுள்ள வாழ்க்கை நமக்கும் படிப்பினை என்பதால் தாரீக்கின் கடிதத்தை பதிந்துள்ளேன். சிரமம் பாராது இதை படித்து நீங்களும் இறைவனை இறைஞ்ச வேண்டுகின்றேன்!.

தாரிக் - இஞ்சினியர்  working in சிங்கப்பூர்
Dear Atha,

An Honest Message For You On Your 50th Birthday...

I ask dua to Allah SWT to grant you long, healthy and peaceful life. I am kind of an introvert. I always keep my feelings to myself. I think it is time to tell my feelings to my loved ones. People say “my father is my Hero”, this phrase is good to hear, yet only few fathers really deserve it. I am going to justify why you deserve it. When I think about you, the first thing which comes to my mind is your sacrifice to our family. I am going to split yourself in to different characters and going to find out in which character you score the most. Let’s split you into a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a friend, an uncle, a teacher/guide, an employee, a student, and a Muslim.

A husband – As far as I have ever seen or heard, you are the best husband a woman can ever get. The patience, love, care you show towards amma and the trust amma has in you is purely divine. To best of my knowledge I have never seen you even raising your voice against amma for anything. I really inspire about your relationship and I aspire to have atleast few attributes of you in me towards my wife. You both are the most respected couple in our whole family. Yes! It is a fact.

A father – Well what do I say? You started from 0, you reached 100, 200, 300 and going on. You made me to start from 99, and I am yet to reach 100. The only person in the world who I have never argued and will never argue is you, because I trust you a million %. Where ever I am now and where ever I will be in future is only because of you. I and Nisar have never regretted for anything in our life. All the time you have given us more than what we expected. We just grew up seeing you. We are very proud to be your son. You are the best father anybody can ever get.

A Son – I have never seen you compromising your mother down for anything or anybody. You are considered as a son for lot of people in our home town. Many mothers in our family aspire to have a son like you. Your mother is very proud of you and trusts you more than anybody in our family. You were a son to your mother-in-law as well. You never missed an opportunity to serve your mother. You are the best son any mother can ever get.

A brother – Let it be your brothers, sisters and your brother-in-laws. Behind their success you have played a major role. Your brothers, sisters and your brother-in-laws can never forget you for what all you have done for them. You have been a glue among your siblings to gel the family together. You have helped and shown them the way during their difficult times. They trust you more than anybody else. Your brothers/sisters are very proud of you. You are the best brother anybody can ever get.

A friend – People say judge a person after seeing his friends. You have friend worldwide. Your friends trust you. You have friend everywhere. You guide them, you hear out their problems, you console them. Friends of you I have met till now, they say to me that you are the kindest person they have ever met. You are ready to help them all the time. Many of your friends trust you more than their family members. Indeed you are the best friend anybody can ever get.

An uncle – Everybody loves you as an uncle. I can right away say you are the best uncle anybody can ever get. You have helped a lot of them and treated them your children. Many trust you more than their parents. You have played a major role in their success.

A teacher/guide – I learnt everything from you. More than a father you have been a friend to me. You have been a guide to everyone. If you look back, many people’s career was built by you. People rely on you with a confidence that you will guide them to success. The motivation you instil in people took them to places. I was a poor student in my school days. Your trust in me, your guidance, motivation took me from nowhere to where I am now. I have heard you telling to your friends and colleagues that my son is good in maths even though I was not. These simple motivational words made to realize may be I was really good. Then you know the results of your words. No doubt you are the best guide/teacher anybody can ever get.

An employee – Everybody knows you are best at your work. You always give your best to your company with highest level of integrity and commitment. You are highly respected among your colleagues.

A student – Your student life is an inspiration to all. I still think of all the difficulties you faced during your school life. I am proud of you when I think of your success in studies without any support. I am really not able to imagine how you managed to come out of all odds. The self motivation you had in you and your tireless hard works kept my spirits high to study and perform well in my studies. I would have miserably failed if I was in your situation. You had many paths to choose but you chose the correct path by sacrificing your happiness and desire. That is why you are the most successful person in our whole family.

A Muslim – Allah says who obeys him and follows the Sunnah of his beloved Prophet, is the best Muslim. After seeing your different characters above, I am convinced to say you exactly follow the teaching of our beloved Prophet S.A.W and reflect him in all your characters. Indeed you are the best Muslim.

Let me score you now!!!! Which one of your character do I choose for the highest score? Which one will you choose? Which one can anybody choose? The fact is we cannot choose any one, because you are the best at everything.

Who is a HERO? – can I say a HERO is one who excels in everything, who is trusted by everyone, who is best in everything, who is loved by everyone, Who is an inspiration to a lot of people, who is a guide to many. Do I need to acknowledge that you are a HERO??? Whether I acknowledge or not, whether anybody acknowledges or not. You are a REAL HERO by yourself. I am very proud to have a HERO as my father. We are proud to have A HERO as a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a friend, an uncle, a teacher/guide, an employee, a student, and a Muslim.

I am extremely sad when I realize you are turning 50. I hope to learn a lot of things from you. I want to pause the time to be like this for ever. We all pray to Allah to grant you long, healthy and happy life. I hope I was able to justify why my father is a REAL HERO. We thank you for all the sacrifice you made for us. You can be rest assured that our respect to you will grow higher and higher forever. Only thing in life I want to achieve is to become like YOU.

Your loving Son,
Tariq Anwar Noor Mohamed

உங்கள் கருத்துகளை பதிவு செய்யுங்கள். தவறாய் இருந்தால் திருத்திக் கொள்ளவும், சரியாய் இருந்தால் இறைவனுக்கு நன்றி சொல்லவும் உதவும்.

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